All-of-Government Workshops
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Last updated
Accreditron has been facilitating demos and co-design workshops with government agencies, typically on a fortnightly schedule.
We have been working with over 40 business units across multiple agencies and crown agents. Some agencies regularly attend co-design workshops as part of a co-design working group. Other have contribute input, feedback, and support in separate meetings outside of the regularly schedules workshops.
Ministry of Social Development
Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children
Te Puni Kokiri - Ministry of Māori Development
Department of Internal Affairs
Department of Corrections
Department of Justice
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Health
District Auditing Agencies (DHB's)
Ministry for Business, Innovation, and Employment
Ministry for Women
Social Investment Agency
Ministry for Youth
Charity Commission
Many workshops, presentations, and feedback sessions, and interviews have been held individually with government agencies outside of the all-of-government workshops list below.
Define Agency Co-design Group
Project kick off, discuss findings from discovery, review project timelines and success criteria.
August 11, 2017
Workshop Provider Profile
Discussed insights and findings from the co-design workshop with providers held on August 21th, 2017. Facilitated design activities to review the 'Provider Profile'.
August 15, 2017
Insights from Provider Profile
Discussed insights and findings gathered from Workshop #2. Scannable summary, flags and notifications and a tailored view are all things that important for a quality provider profile to government.
September 8, 2017
Inter-agency Provider Profile Workshop and Modularity
Workshop on iterated design for provider profile - defined key areas of risk reduction for agencies. Discussed modular component architecture and demonstrated how dashboards are used to save providers time.
September 22, 2017
Action Management
Reviewed insights from workshop #4.
October 6, 2017
Phase 1 demonstration and celebration
Hosted by TPK with a huge turn out. We presented the work done to date for the design and development of Accreditron.
October 20, 2017
Access Controls
Some information is public, some information is confidential. How do we handle access controls to determine that all information is only accessible to authorised parties.
November 10, 2017
Usability Testing with Providers
Why do we run usability sessions? Discussing how we plan to run usability sessions with providers and who we are running the sessions with.
November 24, 2017
Workflow Tools and Provider
It's great to request information from providers, but how is that information processed? Workshop the initial designs for workflow tools and workbooks to discuss how information is processed.
February 2, 2018
Build your own information request
Why question sets can't be hard coded into Accreditron. Discussing the design around multi-site accreditation and how building a way for anyone to request information from providers benefits all-of-government.
February 16, 2018
Alpha Release Update
Demonstrating updates to provider on-boarding flow to improve comprehension and improved Assessor view. Status update for alpha-release. We're ready to run Trial 2!
March 2, 2018
A Technical Presentation
End of phase 2 demo. We discussed the technical components of Accreditron including event sourcing, severless architecture, and our deployment strategy.
March 16, 2018
Writing good questions
Using Plain English as a base to define question set for accreditation. We discussed browser support, privacy, and our style guide for question sets.
March 30, 2018
Workload Management
How do government organisations understand and manage their workload? Workload management being different from workflow management is a way for government to plan it's work and distribute work within their teams.
April 12, 2018
Procurement Process Mapping
Understanding how procurement teams handle their workflow and workload. Validate if Accreditron design maps across procurement workflow.
May 1, 2018
It's a Party
Celebrating the project meeting the end of Phase 3. With over 180 people invited, we will demonstrate what is currently built on Accreditron, what is next for us, and offer a big thank you to everyone who has been involved thus far.
May 24, 2018