Usability Trial 1
November 2017 - January 2018
Last updated
November 2017 - January 2018
Last updated
In December of 2017, we finished up a round of usability research with social service providers in New Zealand. We heard heaps of positive feedback about Accreditron like:
Quotes from participants:
“If we just used Accreditron it would be wonderful!”
“It’s really nice and clean, the set-up of it is easy to use.”
“I really like it, it’ll make the process so much easier.”
We conducted trials with 12 different social service providers. Generally, the recommended sample size for usability trials is about 5 or more for each segment. The social sector has an incredible range of organisations — from small after-school care organisations with one funding source to large nationwide counselling services who work closely with multiple ministries.
We specifically focused on testing a range of organisation sizes — large organisations have entirely different internal structures and processes compared to small organisations. We had to make sure our product worked from small, to huge.
The response to Accreditron was overwhelmingly positive, to put this in perspective one of the questions in the final questionnaire asked participants to respond to the prompt: “I would opt to use Accreditron rather than the current process.” 100% of participants agreed with this statement with eight indicating that they “Extremely Agreed” the highest possible option. Beyond this we also received valuable feedback on how we could improve our platform in various ways, through function, language, and design.