Risk Mitigations

Real world testing has a few risks which need to be discussed and planned for. This section is about highlighting risks. Please note, this is not a comprehensive list.

Data can only be accessed by intended parties

All data held on Accreditron is secure. Insecure data could lead to a breach in organisations trust and risk negative feedback. Providers cannot see other providers information on Accreditron. Pre-assessment information will only be sent to the accreditation team participating in the Trial.

Mitigations in place

We have prioritised data security and implemented to high-standard multiple security protocols like:

  1. All data in the trial is encrypted at rest and in transit.

  2. All access points in the application are tested to ensure that only authenticated users can access the information to which they have authorisation.

For more detail on the trial’s authorisation policies please see our security documentation.

Maintain good relationships

Assessor-provider relationships are extremely important for every stakeholder. A breakdown in communication could impact relationships and risk negative feedback. It is important to note that: the use of Accreditron will not have an effect on the accreditation outcome. Accreditron is simply the communication tool.

Mitigations in place

To maintain good relationships we aim to be as transparent as possible. We will ensure:

  1. Each individual is clearly informed about the trial process.

  2. Accreditron is functional to submit a pre-assessment.

  3. We are on-hand and available to assessors and providers to manage any technical concerns

  4. All parties feel comfortable and know how to communicate concerns.

  5. All parties understand that the trial of an alpha-release is not feature complete. Meaning much of the intended functionality will be built on-top of the current product.

Last updated