Provider Co-design Workshop 1
Providers designing a system that suits the sectors needs.
August 21, 2017
Co-sponsored by SSPA, we had a great turn out of six national social service providers and representatives from Ministry for Social Development.
Presentation of MSD Survey and Hui with 50 social service providers
Demonstration of current state of Accreditron
Facilitated design activities to prototype and develop ideas ~2 hours
Insights Learned
Insights were gathered based on information collected from the workshop. Below outlines the highest valued insights to the group.
Providers need to control their sharing settings, know who can see their information and why.
Build relationship with one lead contact person, the assessor, via platform messages.
Ability to use Accreditron within current processes and have the ability to integrate with their current systems
Ability to show funders what services are funded by whom and to what extent.
Providers stress it should be a free service, funded by government.
Due-dilligence, RFP, and Contracting
Ability to use Accreditron for more than just the Accreditation Process. Accreditron should be able to send information for due-dilligence, RFP, and contracting processes. For example, when a provider is working on a proposal for funding.
One of the activities in the co-design session was to draw the ideal system that fits their organisational needs. This is where the first mock-up and design for an inter-agency profile for born.
Inter-agency Provider Profile
Providers expressed the need to be able to show:
What services their organisation offers, even ones not funded by government.
Where their funding is coming from to show the full picture of how their services are funded.
Who their contacts are.
What processes their organisation go through.
The Inter-agency Provider Profile was created to be a way for an organisation to share top level information about their organisation to authorised parties. Later iterations of the provider profile were testing with social service providers and the all-of-government co-design working group.
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