Process and Procedure
Outline of the proposed process. This trial is broken into six steps.
1. Briefing Assessors and Working with Ministry
Five regional assessors will be chosen by the ministry to participate in the trial. The assessors will be emailed to arrange a phone call to brief and have a quick interview. The template for the email is Assessor - Pre-trial found in the Email Templates folder, this email should also include the info sheet for Assessors.
During the phone conversation, the researcher will answer any questions the Assessor has. The interviewer will follow the pre-trial assessor script to prompt questions. Then they will document the answers in the assessor pre-trial questionnaire.
The assessor will then select a provider and contact them regarding the trial. The assessor will have the option to use the Assessor to Provider - Initial email provided in the Email Templates folder.
2. Pre-trial Interviews
If the provider chooses to participate in the trial, the researcher will contact them to organise a time to do a pre-trial briefing and interview with them.
The interviewer will:
Use the pre-trial provider email template to send the provider their info sheet and consent form.
Schedule time for the interview.
At the start of the interview ensure the provider has submitted their consent form. The interviewer will answer any additional questions from the provider relating to the trial.
Use the pre-trial script to conduct the interview and briefing.
Save recording in the recording folder with name and date of interview.
Send them the provider task sheet which will help guide them through the trial.
Transcribe the interview into the Trial - 2 - Provider Questionnaire.
3. Trial Task
Providers were given the task during the pre-trial brief to submit their pre-assessment information for review.
Participant Task:
"Please submit your pre-assessment information for review.'
The researcher will not be monitoring how they interact with the software during this period. However, participants may email, or call, with questions. The provider has been advised to contact their assessor before contacting their researcher. There is expected to be a conversation between the assessors and the researcher throughout the trial.
4. Post-trial Interview
Assessors will be automatically notified by email from Accreditron when a provider submits their pre-assessment for review. At this time the assessor can begin their process of reviewing their pre-assessment.
The assessor will contact the researcher to begin post-trial interviews.
The interviewer will interview the Provider following these steps:
Email the provider to organise the post-trial interview using the Provider - Post-trial template.
Schedule time for the interview and add to the calendar.
Conduct interview using Post-trial Provider Script.
Add recording to recording folder with name and date of the provider.
Transcribe interview into the Trial 2 - Provider -Questionnaire.
Send thank you email to the provider.
The interviewer will interview the Assessor following these steps:
Schedule time for the interview and add to the calendar. There is an email template available to use titled Assessor - Post-trial template.
Conduct interview using Post-trial Assessor Script.
Add recording to recording folder with name and date of Assessor.
Transcribe interview into the Trial 2 - Assessor - Questionnaire.
Send thank you email to the assessor.
5. Processing of Data Collected
Once all interview data has been transcribed into the appropriate questionnaire, the researcher will begin to sort this information into usable findings.
The researcher will then categorise the collected data for faster analysis. Looking for common trends or themes in the data For example, trends might include:
questions which providers get stuck on,
misunderstood concepts, or
features that had a strong positive response.
These findings could be about any aspect of the product and could identify:
areas which are working well,
parts which need improvement, and
opportunities for new features.
6. Reporting of Findings
Having completed the processing and analysis of data the researcher will compile this into a report and presentation for the Accreditron team and government. The team will use the findings to inform the direction of their design process.
Last updated